IndieWeb Resources

Once upon a time, it seemed like just about everybody had a place on the web to call home. Back in the Geocities and Angelfire days, a personal web site was the best, most accessible way to stake a claim and discover others of similar interest. As the web platform matured, it became more complicated and less inviting for newer, less motivated, and less technically-inclined people to set up their own sites.

Investor-funded startups soon made it easy for anybody to establish and maintain a presence online, regardless of skill or training, but this came at a cost. Their business models almost always involve giving you something for free, in order to track you across the internet and target you with invasive advertisements. That ease of use also came with lock-in to their platforms — even when they allow you to take your information and leave, there's not much the average person can actually do with an archive full of JSON files.

But the web has evolved further. It is again possible for the average person to get online without enduring the technical hassle of the modern web, or signing your existence over to giant corporations and capricious billionaire trolls. While it is possible to take control of your web presence, the resources for learning about this are still lacking.

Let's see if we can make something useful and nice — for everyone.